


I figure I'll start out the easy way: going down the classes, one by one. Let's start with the Scout.

The fastest class in the game, one must think fast in order to play him well. By "thinking fast", I don't mean thinking quickly, I mean thinking of tactics based on speed. He's the guerrilla fighter of TF2, and you have to think of him in this way in order to succeed.

Guerrilla is defined as "A member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids." We can ignore the first half of that definition and focus on the part about harassing. This must be your goal. You will need to engage in hit and run attacks, running to enemies, hitting, then getting the hell out. This sounds simple, but it's difficult in practice when you're inclination is to finish the job.


Scout: These are usually a crap shoot, unless you manage to force the battle your way. The best way to do this is to fight the opposition into a smaller area, while you have room to maneuver. This is difficult, however, so it would be best to work your aim until he falls, runs away, or you get support from other team members.

Soldier: Easy to defeat, but often are labeled the worst enemy of the scout. To begin, realize that the rockets that the soldier shoots are very slow. In fact, the ability to jump in reaction should be relatively easy at mid or long range. For this reason, the large health of the soldier, and his speed, the pistol becomes a great addition to this fight. The ability to lop off 20 health per shot should reduce the health enough for one scattergun shot to take him out, or for the soldier to back off.

Pyro: The general strategy against pyro is the pistol from a distance. Because the pyro has no effective long-range weaponry, you have an immediate advantage if you keep it at mid-to-long range. If you end up at close range, and get caught on fire, run and find a medic. The afterburn is enough to lop off the majority of your health, and therefore any further confrontation is negative.

Demoman: Easy enough. Be aware of where the grenades land, and avoid those spots. The small clip of the demo and the slow movement of these shots should be enough for you to avoid them. Close combat with the scattergun is preferred because the demo only has his melee weapon to ward you off, which is always a random shot both with TF2's hit detection and your speed.

Heavy: Probably the most dangerous class to the scout, both based on health and weaponry. The Natascha can stop you dead in your tracks, and it's hard to get off 5 successful full-damage shots to take out the heavy, let alone with a medic aiding the heavy. If you approach a heavy-medic duo, try to take out the medic, then run out of there. Let your team deal with the remaining 450 health. Alone, you can pistol from a distance, then run up and scattergun. If you're really good, you can doublejump on top of the heavy's head, and bat him to death without him knowing where it is coming from. Overall, try to avoid at all costs.

Engineer: I wouldn't be worried about the man himself, but sentry guns are difficult to kill as a Scout. It requires long-distance pistoling or circle-strafing. You can outrun the turning of the sentry, but if you fail, you will get knocked back by the bullets of the sentry, slowing you down to a crawl, which then means you die. Overall, ask a spy or a soldier for help on sentry guns.

Medic: Easy to kill, a few scattergun shots should do it. Look out for the patient, however.

Sniper: Easiest class to kill. Just run up and get off two scattergun shots before he notices. If he does, you have to contend with the SMG most of the time (Unless the sniper has a razorback or jarate, in which case, you will be fine).

Spy: You are the second best spychecker. If a "teammate" stops you in your tracks, shoot him and let your team know that he is, indeed a spy. Otherwise, two scattergun shots shoudl take him out.


Force-A-Nature (First unlock, replaces scattergun):

Does about 95 damage (compare to 105 damage with the scattergun). 2 quick shots, then reloads. A few more bullets.

This is preferred when you're on a map where you're dealing with only one or two enemies at a time, depending on your playstyle. It's pretty simple to two-shot one enemy, but the constant reloads leave you vulnerable. Shoot, run, reload, then come back.

Bonk! Atomic Punch (Third unlock, replaces pistol):

Allows invulnerability for 5 seconds, with inability to shoot or do anything other than run. Gives a slight speed boost.

Unless you play a lot of 2Fort, where running past sentries is necessary. I wouldn't reccomend this. The pistol is too useful for mid-to-long range battles and whittling down of health of enemies that it shouldn't be replaced by anything (yet).

The Sandman (Second unlock, replaces bat):

Hits a ball that stuns enemies for a amount of time dependant on the distance hit from. Loses you your doublejump. During stun, only 50% damage done to enemies.

I wouldn't reccomend this, unless the extra support from the stunning is really needed, or snipers/spies need the opportunity (backstabs/headshots are still instant kills). The double jump is useful for evasion and harrasment that it should not be taken away from you.


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